A must-attend, free live online event
From March 10 to 24, 2025



32 talks - 35 speakers - 10 days of live interaction

“Global, inclusive, compassionate, filled with wisdom and bringing together the greatest minds!”

Janina Fisher

A more resilient and fulfilled life is possible!

Discover innovative, cutting-edge approaches to trauma treatment.

Paving the way for a more empathetic and resilient world

70% of people worldwide have been exposed to at least one traumatic event. In France, around 5.7% of the population will suffer from PTSD* in their lifetime.

Mental disorders stemming from psychological trauma affect millions of people worldwide.

Trauma, often perceived as an individual issue, is actually a profound societal challenge that affects all of us, directly or indirectly.

*Post-traumatic stress disorder

Talking about trauma: a societal issue

Do you sometimes feel that the past is still influencing your present, or that you're repeating the same patterns, without knowing why? Do you experience strong emotions like sadness, anger or fear that suddenly arise for no apparent reason? Do you sometimes feel blocked or that you’re self-sabotaging?

All these situations often have one thing in common: a trauma or attachment injury.

Physical, psychological or sexual violence, neglect, horrific attacks, environmental disasters, torture, abuse, sudden confrontations with death... All these traumatic events can be traced back to childhood, experienced in adulthood or inherited from our parents and ancestors.

Psychological trauma affects millions of people, altering our well-being and our ability to connect with others.

Yet there are paths to healing and resilience.

Since 2020, our Summits have brought together close to 150,000 participants – a testament to the importance attached to this theme.

Our aim is to shed light on trauma, demystifying it and addressing its many facets with kindness and expertise. Professionals and the general public come together to explore, learn and share keys, tools and strategies for coping with, understanding and transforming trauma, to open the way to healing.

32 talks
by experts

32 talks by internationally recognized experts, in French and English

A committed community

A committed community of professionals and enthusiasts from around the world

Innovative approaches

Innovative approaches and the latest cutting-edge techniques in trauma treatment

free live access

Free live access with the option of purchasing Replay Packs to view at your own pace

32 conférences d’experts reconnus internationalement, en français et en anglais.
Un accès gratuit en direct avec la possibilité d’acheter les Packs Replay pour visionner à votre rythme.
Une communauté engagée de professionnels et de passionnés du monde entier.
Des approches innovantes et des techniques de pointe récentes en matière de traitement du trauma.

Take part in the Summit to discover and disseminate new avenues of treatment and free up the voices of trauma survivors.

Close to 150,000 participants since 2020: you can also join the 2025 Summit!

The Trauma, Attach(e)ment & Resilience Summit is back for an equally stimulating, enriching and transformative 2025 edition.

Whether you're a healthcare professional, a psychotherapist, or simply passionate about psychology and well-being, this event is the essential annual gathering to discover and explore the latest advances in the field of trauma, attachment and resilience.

Trauma is an invisible prison, talking about it is a societal issue

Many people are unaware that they carry traumas that hinder their development and affect their ability to live life to the full. They are unaware that they are victims or survivors of unresolved trauma, stored in their bodies and minds.

Talking openly about attachment wounds and trauma, without taboos and with kindness, can help these people understand that their suffering is the result of trauma, neglect, violence or shock experienced in early childhood and/or in adulthood. It may also be inherited from previous generations, and/or experienced at the level of the community or society.

The Summit offers tools for identifying, soothing and treating trauma, thus contributing to healing and resilience. A wide range of approaches and techniques are presented, encouraging a holistic body-mind approach to trauma that takes into account the person’s life history.

As a human being and a therapist, this summit has given me a great deal of guidance and enlightenment on the multiple aspects of trauma and on the existence of a panoply of therapeutic techniques and methods, all of which are interesting and relevant. Many thanks to QW for organizing this summit and making it accessible. Many thanks to Florence, the whole team and all the speakers.

Cabinet Médical La Tulipe

I admired your work, your professional attitude, your kindness and your intelligence. Now I admire you for your joy, your friendship and the beauty of your heart. Thank you so much.


A huge thank you for this summit of great quality, with rich, innovative content and lots of humanity and love! Thank you to the entire Quantum Way team, to Florence and the speakers for their generosity, and to the top-notch technical set-up. I have more free time this year to attend more of the sessions, and that means I can receive a lot, thank you. It broadens my perspective as a companion and reinforces my commitment to the therapeutic relationship, to the heart-to-heart, human-to-human alliance.


All the tips and tricks you've given us are tremendous. The clear explanations of the different ways and means of working, which take into account each individual, is awesome. Thank you again for your kindness, your real empathy and your presence.


What a joy your summit was, and what immense gratitude I feel to be able to attend it. I discovered the theme of my trauma at the age of 44 and I've been on the road ever since. I'm amazed at how many people are working on this subject and sharing all their discoveries. They enable me to love myself more and more, because at last I understand my behaviors and feelings, I recognize myself, and all this richness is reaching me at age 81. Keep going, keep going, because this world is suffering from all its unacknowledged wounds. I bless your commitment, which fills me with joy and hope.


I'd like to thank Quantum Way for this immense opportunity. Beyond sharing, it's healing on a huge scale. The world will be all the better for it. Thank you for the professionalism, the goodness that emanates from the action, the people, Florence Bernard and all the guests. Thank you.


Thank you for your kind and respectful presentation, for the quality of the speakers, and for your commitment to the advancement of research and its “democratic” disclosure.


Thank you so much for everything you do. This is the 1st year I've attended these talks, thanks to Liz. I've found them really wonderful, full of wisdom, awareness, humanity and fellowship.


I'd like to thank you very much for this event, which you organized so well. Thank you for your generosity and for the quality of your presentations. It's an extraordinary opportunity to see so many experts with wonderful human qualities. Thank you to Florence, to the interpreter and to the whole team who made this summit possible.

Florence V

Total gratitude for this exceptional summit! I learn so much from all these passionate speakers so involved in healing people. I understand my mechanisms. It's my first time and I'll be back. I'm telling everyone around me about it. What a joy it is to be able to freely share such valuable knowledge.

L. B.

It was the first time for me and I'm not about to forget it. The traces of this summit are inscribed in my body and I know they will support me in the future. I'm filled with gratitude for all the speakers that I've had the good fortune to listen to, for the energy of peace, love and kindness they've all spread through their presence, their words and their emotions. What gifts you’ve given us in this space! Many thanks also to the interpreters, without whom I wouldn't have had access to the richness and depth of the messages shared.


A huge thank you to Quantum Way and all the speakers involved in this incredible summit! These talks enthuse us day after day, hour after hour, and all the approaches we are offered to discover resonate within us like so much hope for healing from trauma, whatever it may be. Immense gratitude from the therapist, of course, but also and above all from the human being that I am.


Rich, moving, fascinating, informative, full of hope and humility... That's what I can say about what Quantum Way does. I'm happy to be able to follow all these talks as a practitioner! It's so comforting to get a glimpse of all the work being done around the world with so much love for others, to help them get out of the place where life has created a rift. 1000 thanks again Quantum Way for all the fabulous connections you give us access to!!!!

Moïz Mimo

This evening, Mr. Boris Cyrulnik gave a fascinating talk on resilience, emotional deprivation and their physiological and psychological consequences. A world summit on trauma accessible to therapists, clients and patients alike. A week of talks designed to open people's minds to the challenges of trauma treatment. Many thanks to the organizers and speakers.

Carole Rouzioux

Yes, a real “marathon” in which I'm fortunate and happy to take part, having retired from the world of work. Over the course of the talks, I filled several pages of my notebook with precious information, some of which is in the process of being integrated, and some very new. A heartfelt THANK YOU to ALL the Quantum Way team for these gifts of Life.

Françoise Rioux

A big THANK YOU. Thank you to the guest speakers for the quality of their contributions and their willingness to share their approach. Thank you to Florence Bernard for hosting the talks and choosing the right questions to help us better understand. And thank you to Quantum Way for making these talks available to us, with French translation as a bonus.

Dom Toum

I'd like to say a big thank you to the Quantum Way team for this initiative in the French-speaking world, and more specifically in France, where there's a desperate need for information on trauma and mental health. Personally, I get a lot out of it, and it allows me to share knowledge at my own level, which helps a lot of other people.


A wonderful talk. Fluid, clear explanations that nourish my knowledge of trauma and shed light on personal issues that need to be cleared up. Thank you so much.


Thank you so much for these very clear explanations, this gentleness and kindness.


Explore the mechanisms of trauma, which shape our lives, our relationships and our societies

Delve into the heart of psychological trauma and resilience and discover:

How to find your anchors, security and connection with yourself and with the world around you.

The latest neuroscience research and mind-body methods for dealing with trauma.

How trauma and attachment wounds impact our lives, brains, bodies and minds.

How to enrich your therapeutic skills to better accompany your patients/clients on their healing journey.

A committed community working towards better understanding and healing of trauma.

Professionals, enrich your therapeutic practice with cutting-edge tools and knowledge. Enthusiasts, deepen your understanding of trauma and attachment theory.

The must-attend annual meeting with the biggest names in trauma and attachment theory

35 world-renowned figures : Ruth Lanius, Bessel van der Kolk, Deb Dana, Richard Schwartz, Linda Thai, Peter Levine, François Le Doze, Janina Fisher, Stephen Porges, Kathy Steele, Boris Cyrulnik, Rollin McCraty, Frank Anderson, Arielle Schwartz, Paul Gilbert, David Grand, Deran Young, Jean-Michel Gurret, 1Drea Pennington Wasio, Amber Gray, Annie Brook, Barbara Easterlin, Ela Manga, Euphrasia Nyaki, George Thompson, Jan Winhall, Josefin Wikstrøm, Kate Truitt, Laura Calderon de la Barca, Licia Sky, Paul North, Tayseer Hassoon, Anthony Gorry & Andrew Lovell.

Discover diverse, avant-garde approaches: Polyvagal Theory, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Relational Intelligence (RI), EMDR*, EFT*, AEDP*, TIST*, Somatic Experiencing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness (TSM), Brainspotting, Havening, trauma-informed yoga , self-compassion, bodywork, and cardiac coherence.

A heartful event with a reputation for professionalism: our Summit is renowned not only for the diversity of the topics and approaches presented, but also for the quality of the speakers. They share case studies, scientific research and practices or exercises to educate, inspire and equip healthcare professionals, psychology enthusiasts and people in search of healing.

* EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing;  EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques; AEDP: Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy; TIST: Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment.

Discover advanced trauma treatment techniques from the biggest names in psychology, mental health and wellness.


The Trauma, Attach(e)ment & Resilience Summit is open to everyone!

Health and care professionals who want to enrich their own practice and take better care of traumatized people: doctors, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, educators, coaches, yoga teachers, meditation teachers, social workers, emergency shelters, non-profits, etc.

The general public: people with an interest in psychology and mental health, and more specifically in trauma, attachment theory and resilience.

Individuals suffering from trauma, attachment disorders, generalized anxiety or other symptoms that may have traumatic origins, seeking keys to a better understanding of their condition and ways to heal and transcend their traumatic experience.

Thank you so much for this summit! Thank you to Florence, the entire team and the speakers for these extraordinary talks! You are so inspiring! Thank you for feeding the flame of our work as psychologists!


What a guy! Brilliant, clear, humane, calm, funny, what a memory... and so youthful! Thank you, Boris, you do us good! Long life to you!


Very interesting talk, great ability to provide theory while popularizing it extremely well. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


Thank you very much for sharing your experience and knowledge in a very clear way.


Thank you so much for this summit. I've been following you for 4 years and I've learned so much about myself. Bravo to the whole team for your dedication to bringing hope to our humanity.


My God, what richness, what an experience, thank you to the whole team, thank you to the instigators behind the ideas, the logistics, the freebies, I'm so excited every time. 1000 thanks for this mammoth task!


This summit is very interesting, from hour to hour and from talk to talk... THANK YOU SO MUCH!


It was really in the public interest to do this conference. THANK YOU Quantum Way. And these interactions in the chat room are also very enriching, thank you too.


You are passionate about what you do and what you offer is fascinating. Your information is frank, clear and true, I believe. Thank you so much. It's so good to hear from you. It's full of hope.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this magnificent demonstration!!!! Extremely moving! Thank you both for your authenticity and generosity.


Thank you very much. A very enriching and enjoyable talk. What a sharing of experiences!


Thank you so much! The quality of your speakers is absolutely incredible! I can't wait to have access to the pack so that I can listen to them all again!


What an opportunity to attend this very first talk! S. Porges' work is truly admirable, and this collaboration is very exciting. Can't wait to find out more!


These connections with people from all over the world are wonderful! We'll miss it at the end of the summit.


Thank you very much, this wisdom is heart-warming and offers hope and reassurance.


With all these exceptional speakers, like every year for the past 4 years, I feel, like all of us, deeply touched by your humanity and generosity. Nourished personally and professionally by your expertise. More serene, reconciled, full of the hope you inspire. A big THANK YOU to all of you for your contribution to a better world, with a special dedication to the French interpreters who are extraordinary! You are magnificent and indispensable.


An essential summit to advance knowledge of trauma for as many people as possible.


Thank you for making this summit a reality, for choosing speakers of the highest quality, and for making them accessible to French speakers, thanks to professional interpreters who are also of the highest quality. 1st edition for me. Absolutely delighted to have discovered this summit. I felt right at home.


By filling this gap, which I've felt for a long time, of making such approaches accessible to the French-speaking world, you offer an opening, a connection, hope... for a collective journey. A feeling of rightness and meaning. GRATITUDE !!!!


Professionals, enrich your therapeutic practice with cutting-edge tools and knowledge.

Enthusiasts, deepen your understanding of trauma and attachment theory.


Here’s the full program of this Trauma, Attach(e)ment & Resilience Summit and the speakers who will share their knowledge and experience with you.

🌍 Times are given in Paris time (CET).
Talks last 60 min. unless otherwise indicated.
Click here to find the schedule for your location.

By participating in the Summit, you will:

Understand trauma, its origins and consequences on the individual and society.

Develop your resilience, by applying wellness and healing practices in your daily life or in your therapeutic activity.

Discover effective strategies for dealing with trauma, using techniques such as IFS, PVT, RI, SE and EMDR.

Identify and alleviate symptoms of trauma in yourself and your patients.

Expand your professional network by connecting with experts, mental health professionals and enthusiasts from across the world.

Raise awareness and educate those around you about the importance of recognizing and treating trauma.

Enrich your therapeutic practice or personal understanding of trauma and attachment.

Join the Trauma, Attach(E)ment
& Resilience Summit 2025

Register now for free

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Do you share our values? spread the word about the Summit and win Quantum Way programs

The Trauma, Attach(e)ment & Resilience Summit is an event close to our hearts. To make it accessible to all (free access and multilingual), we need your support.

By participating in our sponsorship campaign, not only are you helping us to spread this essential knowledge about trauma, but you also have the opportunity to earn rewards.

How does the referral campaign work?

Get your unique referral link: once you've registered for the Summit, you'll receive a unique link to share. Use it to invite your friends, colleagues and network to register for the Summit.

Share it and earn points: each registration via your link earns you points. The more you share this link to encourage others to sign up, the more points you earn and the bigger your rewards!

Ready to make a difference? Your involvement in our referral campaign not only contributes to the success of the Summit, but also helps create a more conscious and caring world.

our mission

“Let's share our passion and work together for a fairer, safer and more united world.”

At Quantum Way, we are first and foremost therapists, trained in our respective specialties in attachment issues and trauma treatment.

We aim to shed new light on trauma, attachment wounds and their consequences for everyone, using a wide range of approaches and techniques such as Somatic Experiencing[LCL8] , IFS, Polyvagal Theory, EMDR, EFT, Relational Intelligence and more.

Florence bernard

Co-creator of the summit and live interviewer

As a therapist, I'm constantly on the lookout for new approaches to explore different ways of understanding the human being and the world around us. Driven by a deep passion for transmission, this naturally led me to join Quantum Way and bring this Summit to life. Every year, I host it with emotion and energy, eager to share what inspires me and nourishes my work.

Liz Carey Libbrecht

Co-founder of Quantum Way & Co-creator of the summit

Mindfulness teacher, former therapist, translator in the social sciences. Quantum Way was born of my personal journey. Crafting this summit from year to year has been immensely meaningful to me, representing the path from survival to a fulfilled life: healing, growing, understanding, learning, sharing.

Marc Maouad

Co-creator of the summit and film director

Writer, director, passionate about everything human, I offer a different perspective on the subjects addressed by Quantum Way and bring my personal touch to everything to do with sound and image.


How do I register for the Trauma, Attach(e)ment & Resilience 2025 Summit?

You can register by clicking on this link.

Is there a charge for the 2025 Summit?

Access to live talks is totally free at the scheduled times.We only charge for access to the Replay Packs.

Where do the talks take place?

The Summit takes place online on Zoom, enabling you to participate from anywhere in the world.

Can I attend the Summit in person?

No, the Summit is exclusively online, promoting accessibility and international participation.

Is the Summit in French?

Yes, the Summit will be available in both English and French, depending on your preference, thanks to simultaneous interpretation by our exceptional professional interpreters, Anne-Laure Gex and Dawn Sheridan. This year it will also be available in German and Polish.

Will we be able to ask the speakers questions?

Yes, you will be able to submit questions to the speakers via the chat.

I'm already interested in several topics, so how can I prepare for the event?

You can start by watching videos on our YouTube channel, or by getting to know the programs we offer.

I can't attend the Summit live, but I don't want to miss it. What can I do?

You can purchase a Replay Pack to access summit recordings at your convenience.

Can I invite colleagues or friends?

Yes, we strongly encourage you to do so. You can invite other people to join and by using the referral feature you can earn points.

How does referral work?

When you sign up, you'll receive a unique link to share with your friends and family. By using this link when they sign up, they'll help you earn points that can be exchanged for discount coupons, programs and even the 2025 Replay Pack! Find out all the details on the registration confirmation page and by e-mail.

Are Replay Packs also free?

No, the Replay Packs are available for purchase only.

When will the Replay Packs be available?

The Replay Packs are already available for purchase. The videos of the talks will be accessible online from May 5, and according to the duration of your Replay Pack.

What's the difference between the 2 Replay Packs?
  • With the Discovery Pack you can enjoy all the talks for 6 weeks.
  • With the Unlimited Pack you can watch and rewatch the talks for life. What's more, you'll have access to the documents shared by the speakers (slides or diagrams) and to a summary sheet for each talk.
Is there a discussion or support group for participants?

Yes, all Summit participants (whether live or via Replay Packs) have access to a dedicated Facebook group, where you can ask questions and exchange views with the community.

Is there a money-back guarantee for the Replay Packs?

Yes, we offer a money-back guarantee for Replay Packs. Buy your Pack risk-free and benefit from Quantum Way's money-back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied, send us an e-mail to info@quantum-way.com with the reasons for your dissatisfaction, within 14 days of your purchase and we'll refund you. At Quantum Way, we're convinced you'll learn more than you ever imagined.

the 2025 Summit Replay Packs

Discovery Pack

€147 instead of €247

Up to and including March 10

Free access to all talks for 6 weeks (from May 5)

In English and French

Satisfied or your money back*

* For 14 days from the date of release on May 5

Unlimited Pack

€197 instead of €297

Up to and including March 10

Unlimited access to all talks for life (from May 5)

In English and French

Satisfied or your money back*

A summary sheet for each talk

Documents shared by speakers (slides / PDFs)

* For 14 days from the date of release on May 5

As a future psychology student, I found this talk fascinating and accessible. Thanks also to the participants in the chat.


I work in a university hospital around mood disorders, patients who often have traumas! Thank you for all this information!


IFS saved me... it's my method of development and introspection and I love it... and I recommend it.


Bravo to the whole team, excellent synergy during these 10 days to open our hearts, to heal, to rejoice in being alive and on the way to being the best of ourselves, to listen to the world and to others with more kindness and respect for ourselves and others. Long live self-compassion and compassion for the LIVING.


Thank you Sophie for such vivid translation! And Thank you Florence for having so aptly opened these spaces with all the speakers. I will be part of the next journey. In the meantime, I'll turn to the QW books and training courses.


The Quantum Way summit is like a treasure chest with an abundance of riches inside, so many gems to rediscover, to savour, to gently integrate. Many thanks Sophie, and the whole team. This is fantastic.


I feel nourished by so much sharing. An absolutely extraordinary summit among quality summits! Thank you, thank you so much for the opportunity of access, thank you all and thank you Quantum Way. Thank you for this event.


Keep on changing the world... And if the world doesn't change, at least you'll have changed one life...


THANK YOU SO MUCH. The relevance of the questions asked by Quantum Way, by Florence, allows Boris Cyrulnik to develop his thought in such a clear and powerful way, fully useful.


I love this kind of exercise. I'm going to do it for 15 minutes a day. I'm not a novice. Thank you very much for this talk.


Thank you for guiding us into mindfulness, accessing resources to evolve together, with access in French, since language is also a barrier...


Thank you, especially the interpreter, what she does is awesome: reflecting the speaker's emotions in her voice, changing her pace, her timbre, she gives a second life and value to what she interprets, bravo!


This talk was extremely soothing and enriching. Thank you so much to the whole team for making these discoveries possible, and what's more, with a great live translation :)


It was a joy to be able to benefit from all these resources, and what a quality of organization, with Anne-Laure as excellent as ever. Thank you Florence, Medhi and the whole QW team!


At the QW 2021 Summit, I discovered the IFS model and François Le Doze's IR model, and I have to admit that it finally enabled me to get out of a protective mechanism that had been handicapping me for over 30 years. Thank you QW! What a liberation!


Thank you to the whole Quantum Way team, all the speakers, the technical team and Anne-Laure. Quality, warmth, generosity and we're all connected!


What a pleasure to meet you again every day for these wonderful talks. I've attended since the first Summit and I'm still learning so much. Thank you for your kindness and for this wonderful adventure. Thanks to Anne-Laure for the interpreting and to Florence, Mehdi, Liz and Marc.


Bravo bravo bravo everyone for this wonderful summit, you are extraordinary! Can’t wait for 2025, you've created an unmissable event! Thank you.


“Trauma can be summed up in a single statement: trauma results from a failure of our nervous system to make us safe once it has been exposed to danger.”

– François le Doze


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